Entry Documents

Source: German Federal Foreign Office - Travel Documents

Entry is possible for German citizens with the following documents:

  • Passport: Yes
  • Temporary passport: Yes
  • Identity card: No
  • Temporary identity card: No
  • Child passport: Yes

Notes/Minimum validity:

Travel documents must be in good condition and valid for at least the intended duration of stay at the time of entry.
There have been cases where travelers with travel documents that were valid for no more than six months beyond the planned departure date were denied entry.


  • In such cases, check in advance with your travel provider or the Colombian embassy or the relevant consulate whether your travel document will be accepted.

Damaged travel documents (e.g., frayed outer cover, loose page binding) generally lead to entry refusal.

A return or onward flight ticket may be required for entry.

Travelers who have ever reported their current passport as lost or stolen should ensure before departure that the report is completely removed from the Interpol database. Otherwise, entry is generally refused.

At airports, all luggage is scanned. Occasionally, physical searches for drugs are conducted independently of suspicion. In case of luggage searches due to drug suspicion, an independent witness should be involved if possible.

German-Colombian dual nationals must enter and leave Colombia with a Colombian passport.


Travelers must register online using the Check-Mig form from Migración Colombia within 72 hours before entry (and again 72 hours before departure). The registration confirmation must be presented to the airline before departure in Germany and to the Officers in the Migration-Control at the Airport of Colombia. The transmitted data will be shared with Colombian health authorities.

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